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Genetic Brain Profilin can increase the potential of every person

Indore Management Association organized Center of Excellence A WebEx Webinar on the topic “Genetic Brain Profiling” on Wednesday, July 15, 2020.
The facilitator for the session was Mr. Partho Sarcar, Advanced Level Genetic Brain Profiling Counselor, MIDNA GLOBAL FOUNDATION.
Mr. Partho started the session by stating that; If brain is considered to be a microprocessor, then the fingerprints are considered to be the script/diagram.
He further explained Genetic Brain Profiling as;
- Genetic brain Profiling removes the guesswork in mentoring.
- It also challenges the old paradigm of Intelligence and personal development.
- We can Identify exactly how each person learns — to know what degree each student learns by seeing, or by hearing, or through the hands-on approach of doing.
- With GBP, there is no subjectivity; it shows you how someone is wired. This tool identifies how someone learns and how they learn in different intellects and lobes of the brain.
- It can help you know what excites that person and what kinds of subjects and tasks are easier or more congruent for that person, again, based on how they are made, not how they feel.
- In essence it has the potential to remove all learning and teaching disabilities.
- GBP profile can dramatically improve how a child is educated and how a teacher, administrator or other education professional can use this information to improve both teaching and learning experience.
- Any field that deals with the growth and development of people can benefit from this tool. The human potential field could use this tool to dramatically change how we deal with people.
- In corporations, it gives leaders the tools to develop and build each individual based on a person’s uniqueness.
- It can improve how someone mentors, coaches and develops leaders and builds teams.
- It can increase the ability and knowledge needed to maximize the potential of every person, every relationship and every business.
We are doing Genetic Brain Profiling (GBP) by finger print scanning, to identify one’s own self management skills; measuring how one perceives self and others. We calibrate the personal habits & emotions and also how one manages themselves and responds to adverse situations thus making oneself complete. This is the seed to one’s success.
GBP scientifically analyses brain potential and makes believe how looking and feeling good brings out the immense confidence in individuals, and that confidence is a charge that helps in pushing boundaries and achieving mountains.
Any field that deals with the growth and development of people can benefit from this tool. The human potential field could use this tool to dramatically change how to deal with people.
And the best thing about GBP is, there are no questions asked and no stressful tests to appear for.
Having worked past 30 years in Leather Industry and whatever be my qualifications or achievements are, I am fully convinced at the accuracy of my Genetic Brain Profiling report. It has incredibly measured and accurately analyzed my behavior/personality/characteristics/qualities and even my shortcomings. Connect with me and get your GBP done right now.
The Millennium of the Mind & the Century of the Brain:
- In the Information Age, information is more than doubling every two years..
- The challenge today is for a person to work faster and smarter, rather than harder and longer.
- To achieve this, the point of departure is utilizing all faculties of the brain to its maximum.
- This is why this era is also labeled the Millennium of the Mind and the Century of the Brain.
- The only way that people and organizations will maintain their competitive advantage is if they have the capacity to:
- Out-think,
- Out-learn,
- Out-create and
- Out-perform their competition.
Why Brain based learning:
The Aim of brain-based learning and development is to increase:
- the effectiveness of education,
- learning and development programs, and
- yield better financial returns on investment.
However the Experts question ‘On-the-Job’ effectiveness of people development programs.
- With demands on corporate wallets coming from all sides, training budgets are often the first to be reduced – or even eliminated? Obviously the need to increase return on investment is of increasing concern to executives.
Brain-based learning and development is a powerful tool to increase return on investment as it helps people to work faster and smarter and
Why we do not perform well:
- People have the intellectual ability to be successful but do not necessarily use both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously because of a lack of development. This slows down their performance in the learning situation.
- Utilization of the whole brain is imperative for effective learning and thinking. Utilizing both brain hemispheres is not something that happens automatically. It can only happen through continuous development. Many people do not know how to develop and integrate both brain hemispheres.
- People do not perform as well at learning or thinking as they could with a negative attitude.
- Most people have a lack of expertise and skills of knowing how to learn.
- Research has also indicated that even with the necessary expertise, people may still not achieve success in learning because of experiencing too much STRESS. Stress means to loose control, resulting in learners not being able to maintain mental wellness. Their left or right brain hemispheres may ―switch off as a result of stress.